Choose a clothing style that best represents you, whether it's casual, chic or both.
We recommend that the clothes fit together well with each other to maximize the end result. It is not however necessary to limit yourself to only one colour. It is simply a matter of colours blending well together.
Visit our portfolio and/or Pinterest inspiration boards for examples.
Be sure to feed your baby beforehand. Bring something to comfort your baby like a favourite toy or blanket. Bring a change of clothes in case of any accidents.
Personalize the session with a theme that represents the child: hockey accessories, gymnastic suit, trophies and medals, favourite trucks or dolls, etc.
Snacks are allowed and highly encouraged!
Be sure to walk your pet before your appointment.
Come 15 minutes before your session so your pet gets familiar with the studio.
Bring some treats and some of your animal's toys.
Dogs must be leashed at all times (except during the photo session) and you must stay with your pet.
Because your pet's claws can easily damage our backdrops, we thank you for doing a nail clipping before the session.
Bring some baby accessories such as baby shoes or stuffed animal.
Bring accessories and objects like your husband's shirt, a night gown, necklaces etc.
Try to wear clothes that won't leave compression or elastic marks on your skin.
Think about how you will use your photos (business card, web page, social media etc.) so your clothes fit your needs.
Choose a clothing style that best represents you, whether it's casual, chick or both.
Bring accessories related to your field: chef hat, instrument, sports equipement, etc.